I'm Tom, web developer, runner, bicycle rider, music enthusiast, nature lover, amateur artist, many things.
I've been using computers for as long as I can remember, fortunately enough since my early childhood. I've been writing code for around 30 years - a long time yet it still feels fresh.
I can help! I love to get involved with established projects as much as creating from scratch.
Need a clean-up after a virus or malware infection to restore your site?
No job is too small...
Get In TouchI've been lucky enough to have the opportunity of working with many great people and companies over the years. The following list is by no means exhaustive!
Working for the bodychef was exciting and I spent many years developing their internal and customer facing systems. I wrote all the software to manage the logistics of their business, which is no small undertaking.
From this other related businesses and sites focusing on specific niches were created and plugged into the system and created in the kitchen with ease.
This was geared around bodybuilding. I came up with a way to create a diet plan on the fly to match certain nutritional needs. This task was very time consuming for administrators, the results were amazing.
NutriAngel was devised to allow all businesses that produce food items to easily comply with nutritional reporting and legislation regarding allergens.
It also allows these businesses to easily publish and sell their products on their own shop.
I took an open source project / task manager written using Laravel 5, updated this to Laravel 8, updated Twitter Bootstrap from 3.3.7 to the latest version (5.1.1).
I'm currently using this to manage some projects. The source code is posted on GitHub
This was a small project to help researchers at the University of East Anglia to conduct research into which methods produced the most realistic synthesized speech animations.
The source code is posted on GitHub
Utilising WordPress and WooCommerce I created this website for the best cycle shop in the world (highly likely)